湛山精舍Whatsapp 下载注册说明 (中文/English)
(Chamshan Temple Whatsapp starter user guide)


发布: 2022-01-07 14:03:12   作者: 本网讯   来源: 本网讯   












  Respected Dharma guardians, great virtues and friends: Thank you for supporting Chamshan Temple all the time. In the past, everyone would pay attention to Chamshan's official Wechat to get updated for Chamshan's activities. From February 1, 2022, Chamshan Temple will no longer use Wechat to publish information. We will use WhatsApp to publish Chamshan 's activities and Dharma class news. Please pay attention. If your phone doesn't have WhatsApp's app and account. Please follow the steps below to download and register WhatsApp to join the group. If you already have WhatsApp account, please skip to Chapter 2: Join Chamshan WhatsApp group to join the group by yourself. Thank you.






  第一步:下载并启动应用程序:从您手机谷歌Play商店或苹果应用程序商店免费下载WhatsApp Messenger。要打开应用程序,请点击主屏幕上的WhatsApp图标。


  1. Download and launch the app: Download WhatsApp Messenger for free from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. To open the app, tap the WhatsApp icon on your home screen.


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      2. Review the Terms of Service: Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then tap Agree and Continue to accept the terms.





      3. Register: Select your country from the drop-down list to add your country code, then enter your phone number in international phone number format. Tap Done or Next, then tap Ok to receive your 6-digit registration code via SMS or phone call. To complete registration, enter your 6-digit code. Learn how to register your phone number on Android, iPhone, or KaiOS.


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      4. Set up your profile: In your new profile, enter your name, if you have taken refuge by Buddha from Chamshan, please use your dharma name (your English name) for communication, and then tap Next. You can also add a profile photo.





      5. Allow access to contacts and photos: Contacts can be added to WhatsApp from your phone’s address book. You can also allow access to your phone’s photos, videos, and files.



    二、加入湛山Whatsapp群组的步骤(Join Chamshan WhatsApp group)



    第六步:现在你已经可以进入Whatsapp,请加入Chamshan Whatsapp官方群组“Chamshan Temple”,你有两种方式加入这个群组。1. 通过下面所附的短链接。2. 扫瞄下面所附的二维码。



      6. Now you can lauch Whatsapp to add yourself to Chamshan Whatsapp official group “Chamshan Temple”. you have 2 ways to join this group. A. by the short link in below. B. scan QR code in below.



      (请复制Link并粘贴到手机的浏览器地址栏中如下图. Please copy the URL and paste it to your phone’s internet browser, such as Safari … as the following screenshots)


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    点击 Go.


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    点击Open就可以加入群,你可以看到如下群组的信息(click Open, then you are invited into the Group, and you should be able to see the screen like below)


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    或者直接用Whatsapp软件中的Camera的QR Code扫描App,扫描下载到手机里的QR code图片。请注意,不要用微信的QRcode扫描工具,因为跳转可能会被阻断。


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    使用Whatsapp的扫描QRcode的步骤:(Please follow the steps in below to scan the QR code to join the group)


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    选择QRcode 图片


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      If you encounter the following errors when you try to join the groups, that is because of group limit of participants has been reached. You can try to join other groups as shown in below.


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    湛山开设了3个群组(智慧群、精进群、慈悲群)。QR Codes和入群二维码在下面,请逐个尝试。



      Please try to join the one of three groups as QR code and Group invite links as provided in below.



    一、加拿大湛山精舍 (智慧群)


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    二、加拿大湛山精舍 (精进群)


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    三、加拿大湛山精舍 (慈悲群)


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    Thanks so much for your participance and support!