

发布: 2016-05-23 09:50:19   作者: 本网讯   来源: 本网讯   


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      日 期:2016年6月26日(星期日) 7:30am 湛山精舍巴士开启护生之旅


      10:00am 护生法会正式在五台山开始


      4:00pm 回到湛山




      708 Ski Hill Road (R.R.#38), Cavan Monaghan ON L0A 1A0








      摄影者 陈马龙



    7254 Bayview Ave. Thornhill,On. L3T 2R6
    咨询电话:905-886-6481或905-886-1522 内线:234、290


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    Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada
    Ceremony to Protect and Release Lives & the 5th Photography Event


    More than 2,500 years ago


      The Buddha advocated the concept of protection and release of all lives, which later became a characteristic in Buddhism. All traditions of Buddhism, whether Mahayana or Theravada, Sutrayana or Tantric, uphold this practice as a way to eradicate karmic offenses from body, speech and mind in order to gain blessing and longevity.


    More than 1,500 years ago


      Chinese adopted this practice as a virtuous act to save lives. Children were educated by their parents and teachers to recite poems by Baijuyi to develop compassion and empathy. For all Buddhists, this was an essential practice in the cultivation of a Bodhisattva.


    Several years ago


      Since the groundbreaking ceremony at the scenic Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada, ceremony to protect and release lives and photography event have been held there annually. This has been a joyous occasion for the local residents and the laypeople of Cham Shan Temple to mingle and talk about the common topic of releasing lives.


    This year


      We invite your participation in the Ceremony to Protect and Release Lives.


      We are looking forward to your sharing photos of the 5th Photography Event at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada.


      Date: 26th June, 2016 (Sunday)


      7:30 am Buses depart Cham Shan Temple


      10:00 am Ceremony to Protect and Release Lives commences


      4:00 pm Buses return to Cham Shan Temple


      Venue: Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada


      708 Ski Hill Road (R.R.#38), Cavan Monaghan ON L0A 1A0




      1. Participants can arrive in their own cars at Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada


      2. Shuttle buses leave Cham Shan Temple at 7:30 am.


      Registration required. Fee: $30 (lunch included)


      Photographer: Malong Chen



    For inquiries, please visit www.ChamShanTemple.org or call
    Front desk: 905-886-6481 or 905-886-1522 ext. 234 or 290
    Address: 7254 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON L3T 2R6