Page 46 - 加拿大佛教会湛山精舍杂志季刊第60期
P. 46

                    HISTORY OF CHAM SHAN

                    The Foundation Of Meditation Practice I

                    by Ting Chen

                    Translated by Dharma Master Lok To

                    Translator’s Introduction                             self-nature; also
                    Originally, one’s own mind and nature are pure, and   you will, there-
                    there is nothing to accept and nothing to refuse; there   by,  know  orig-
                    is neither existence nor non-existence; there is only   inal emptiness.
                    clear understanding without attachment and with no    Do not attempt to
                    dwelling. One who wants to know the no-attachment,    follow the thoughts,
                    no-dwelling mind can find it through meditation, be-  to trace them in any way
                    cause it is only then that the mind does not think of   or have any intention of getting rid of them, and, in
                    right and wrong, of good and evil or of self and oth-  time, awareness will manifest as your mind illumines
                    ers.                                                  a thought. Then, there will suddenly be a stillness that
                    If  this  seems  obscure,  then  consider  the  following:   becomes  suchness.  At  some  point,  another  thought
                    The past is already gone; when you do not think of    will arise, and you will observe it in the same way.
                    it, the thought of the past is gone, too. Then, there is   Do this at least once a day, sitting from fifteen min-
                    no past nor any thought of the past. Furthermore, the   utes to an hour. As your concentration deepens, your
                    future has yet not arrived. If you do not wish for nor   thoughts  slow  down  and  diminish  in  number,  and
                    seek after it, the thought regarding the future vanish-  your power of illumination increases until you even-
                    es. Then, there is no future nor any thought about the   tually find out that not a single thought arises. Then,
                    future. Finally, the present is already present. Without   there is only stillness and voidness, for then the mind
                    grasping at it or dwelling upon it and without there   is clear and pure. This is your self-nature as known
                    being any thought about it, the thought of the present   directly through wisdom (Prajna).
                    disappears, and there is no present nor any thought of   The subject of wisdom is Prajna, and the opposite of
                    the present. The mind that does not dwell on anything   Prajna is ignorance. Prajna illuminates the delusion
                    whatsoever is known as the True Mind or Original      that is ignorance. With continued exposure to Praj-
                    Nature.                                               na, ignorance wears away bit by bit until there is a
                    The non-dwelling mind is the mind of the Buddha, it   return to self-nature, or pure mind. It is in this situa-
                    is the mind of liberation, it is the mind of Bodhi, and it   tion that Right Thought manifests. There is no longer
                    is the mind of non-birth. So, if you really want medi-  the duality of subject/object. This state is also known
                    tation to come about, sit properly erect and close your   as no-thought or suchness and is also referred to as
                    eyes.  Then  purify  your mind, lay  down everything   the inconceivable. When the mind is illumined and
                    and think of neither good nor evil. Just observe your   a thought, as one ordinarily knows it to be, arises, it
                    thoughts. As you look for their place of origin, you   dissolves instantly. Continue to practice in this way
                    discover that they suddenly rise up and just as sud-  on a daily basis, and you will notice your self-nature
                    denly disappear, and that this process goes on and    getting steadily clearer and purer. Then there will be
                    on. Be patient and continue to observe them, and you   no longer any need to observe, nor will there be any
                    will, in time, know the thoughts to be devoid of any   purpose to observe. Indeed, there will be no longer

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